
New Translation: Martín Arboleda on Democratic Planning and a New Internationalism

We are happy to publish two newly translated chapters from Martín Arboleda’s book Gobernar la utopía: Sobre la planificación y el poder popular [Governing Utopia: On Planning and Popular Power], originally published in 2021. Martín Arboleda is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Sociology of Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile. His research focuses on global political economy, critical social theory, urban political ecology, and science and technology studies. In 2020, he published Planetary Mine: Territories of Extraction Under Late Capitalism with Verso. Currently, he is developing a long-term project on the globalized agrifood system in the context of the climate emergency, alongside a study on the intellectual history of economic planning during the 1960s and 1970s in Latin America. In the chapters translated here, he offers a programmatic discussion on the history and critical actuality of the idea of democratic planning in Latin America (“Trajectories of a Radical Idea”) and places the concept within an internationalist framework, providing a vanishing point for organizing and institutionalizing alternative futures (“Towards an Internationalism of Planning“).

December 5, 2024
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