
Study group on “Living in Unstable Worlds: Arendt + Latour” at Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago de Chile

The study group, orgnized by the Laboratorio de Transformaciones Sociales at UDP, aims to develop a joint critical reading of Hannah Arendt and Bruno Latour, two of the most incisive thinkers about the political, normative, and socio-technical perplexities and challenges of living in radically unstable worlds. The proposal is to carry out a cross-reading of Arendt’s book Between Past and Future (1961) and Latour’s Facing Gaia (2015). In addition to their striking formal symmetries—the first is composed of “eight exercises in political thought” and the second of “eight lectures on the new climate regime”—both texts develop a deep reflection on the crisis and durability of the world, as well as on the need to reconsider the political value of practices aimed at caring for, repairing, and regenerating the everyday texture of the socio-natural worlds we co-inhabit. Accompanied by these readings, the invitation is to think collectively and critically about the meaning of living in unstable worlds.

Inaugural Session: Friday, October 18, 11:30 hrs (Santiago de Chile time zone). Presenter: André Magnelli, Ateliê de Humanidades, Brasil (hybrid format)


You can find more info online in Spanish or in this PDF in English. The study group is organized by Rodrigo Cordero, our CritUP partner in Santiago, and Francisco Salinas, together with the Laboratorio de Transformaciones Sociales and the Escuela de Sociología UDP.

October 2, 2024
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